October 11, 2011

Ice Skating Queen - Katy Perry adidas Collection

katy perry collection blue sports bra

Finally it has been a month since I started the ice skating challenge, to celebrate my final lesson, I went to Pavilion and bought myself a set of adidas performance apparels. ^^

adidas performance outlet

adidas purchase
yes I even had the receipts to prove it for this set, only this set. :p

There was so many to choose from, I spent more than two hours in the changing alone conducting a fashion show of my own before settling for a set.

(This is by far my best buy yet!)

pink shirt

back view

smiley pink adidas

The sports bra can be worn on its own too.

hello sexy

blue sports bra and tights

Never seen myself that sporty in a long time.

I also got a white jacket,to go with the outfit, which can be worn with just the sports bra and tights alone.

white jacket blue sports bra and black tights

*heart* max the white jacket design.

That's not all.

I finally got my hands on the famous pair of trainers from Katy Perry collection, the exact one she wore in her ad for adidas!

katy perry adidas pink trainer shoes
I wanted to the rest of the outfit she wore but they didn't have stock for it. However the sports bra was also from the Katy Perry collection, so happens.

Super nice right?!!

perfect set

perfect set back view

sporty pose
ceh~ like posing for ad :p

perfet set with pink shoes

katy perry adidas pink shoes

I bought it as a set actually, but I wore them in two different ways.

perfect set with pink shoes

blue and pink

beautiful pink with a hint of blue

all pink and blue

pink cutey

Here are some photos from the lesson day itself.

look at me go
woohoo~ I can skate straight~!

you must be kidding me
coach: ok now you can learn to spin like this
me: are you effing with me :S (just barely managed to skate straight)

ice skate coaching
no no... you spin with your feet like this *push in*

spin like this
like this?

Here's the concluding video of my progress so far.

Started as a noobie with no balance at all, I'd say I've done pretty well.

Hey, I can finally skate!

What do you think? Not bad? Still need a little bit of improvement though.

But verdict~

"Nicolekiss is all in" challenge COMPLETED!

ice skating champion

Will I continue to skate after this?

Hell yea, till I perfect my moves (definitely), and conquer the spin (maybe).

Have you given yourself a challenge lately?

Read here for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 of my ice skating challenge.


  1. Very nice outfit and I love those pink shoes!! Wow you managed to learn to skate.. I still cannot... too scare to fall

  2. So sweets.. like model.. :)

  3. ehhh love the jacket. serioussllyyy...
