September 8, 2009

Fairy Shop in Salamanca

Down in Salamanca, the hip and the trendy part of Hobart, Tasmania, you will find lots of pubs and nice restaurants, not to mention really expensive accommodations that cost AUD2000 a week.


It's a place for poshness and artsy fartsy stuff.

salamanca art centre

Abstract arts stranded among the buildings in small alley ways that meant shits to normal human like us with normal human eyes.

me and art

jerine & I & some art

They all look like some sort of ghosts to me.

abstract art

Down the street you will find a very popular fairy shop which I've heard from so many people around me before I even set foot on Tasmania.

sign to fairy shop

Now "Faerie" is old French for modern English Fairy. It's all the same meaning tiny little imaginary or mythical creatures that possess powers.

hanging fairy

Upon entering the shop, you will be transported into the fairy realm with pretty pink decorations all around you.

fairy shop entrance
Don't you wish your room is like this?

pink butterfly

And little notes sent by the fairies.

notice to humans

I like this one. It sounded almost so real.

little fairy note

You can even communicate with the fairies.

make a wish note

Send in your wishes, they might come true. ;)

make-a-wish stars

Once inside, you'll find the shop to be the cutest little four wall unit ever.

pink fairy shop

With pink chandelier hanging down from the ceilings,

pink chandelier

To fairy? (dream?) catcher.

fairy dream catcher

To a pink well!

pink well

I even spotted a princess!

nicole in fairy seat

Oh wait, that's just me.

I managed to capture a series of little fairies before the land (shop) owner told me me to put my camera away. :(

fairy 1
Orange Fairy

fariy 2
Grey Fairy

fairy 3
Grey Fairy 2

fairy 4
Baby Fairy

fairy 5
Little Girl Fairy

fairy 6
Young Lady Fairy

camwhore in mirror
Fairy Nicole

Opps, that's just me, again. :p

camwhore in fairy shop


Look at all the fairies.

Jerine doing her camwhore row.

jerine in the mirror

On the way out, I couldn't resist one last photo of the shop.

me standing in front of fairy shop

Right outside, I saw this 2 dollar rack of clothes in front of a second hand shop.

2 dollars rack

No wonder it's 2 dollars.

fashion faux pas

Heck, even at that price, I wouldn't even buy this piece!

We walked around Salamanca square.

salamanca square

Saw some kids playing near a giant chess.

kids and giant chess

Read some fun facts in front of a shop that were selling the Giant Microbes.

Read a riddle that still had me scratching my head till this day.


Any takes on the answer? Anyone?

Leaving the square, we walked towards the port,


and just right in front of the fruit market,

salamanca fruit market

I spotted the most amazing view since my arrival in Tassie.

salamanca rainbow

I've never seen a rainbow in such up close distance before. And the colors so vibrant!

It almost made me wanna run to the end of the rainbow, which at the point seemed pretty near, and see if there's a pot of gold underneath it.

salamanca rainbow 2
Click here for wide angle wallpaper 2560x1600 size.

I think the fairies are bidding me farewell. ;)


  1. Wow... the rainbow sooo beautiful!!!!!

  2. Answer for the riddle: The umpire and the catcher. It's talking about baseball game... ^^

  3. amazing rainbow!!!!

  4. amazing rainbow!!!!

  5. Eh! I know where to buy the pink chandelier. But it's fucking AUD 1,800!

  6. oo, thanks for the answer nigel, and i was really wondering about the answer too. the fairy shop is so so cute, i mean, immersing myself into this fantasy world would be so great.

  7. If its my room is like the fairy shop, its just gonna get so dusty!

    As usual, great pix from u!
