October 26, 2008

Southern Thailand - Surat Thani, Puket (and Nightlife, oh yea~)


After lunch, we proceed to the Wat Mahathat Temple in Nakhon Sri Thammarate.


This where Andy made me discover a side I never knew I had.


This photo is solid proof that photography is all about the angles (and lens).
My goodness, I never knew I can one day be anorexic *sniff*.

Anyway, as the van continued to drive further up north, we came into Surat Thani where we were to dine at North Eastern Thai Food restaurant.


really good tom yum kung too

Guys. This is by far the BEST seafood restaurant I HAVE EVER TASTED in THAILAND.

I mean BEST.

It's a restaurant by the beach and very difficult to locate. Contact See Tho holidays if you want to know where to find this restaurant.


Of course with courtesy that you have them bring you there. :)



Now I know how I gained so much weight. -.-

In the night, See Tho brought us to watch fireflies, something Surat Thani should be proud of.


It was my first time seeing fireflies and it was really really pretty. Though it was also too dark for photography.


It's like looking at a Christmas tree, flickering away in the night on the river. Le sigh.. so pretty. Since it's almost impossible to take these beauties on a rocky boat in the night, I recorded a video instead.

See the glimmers? So pretty right? right? right?!! >_< href="http://nicolekiss.blogspot.com/2008/10/southern-thailand-krabi-nakhon-sri.html">mangosteen dye pants (must. stop. shopping.) and slept all the way back to Krabi.

Sleeping in the car

Stopping by See Tho's office for a bit of Thai cooking class.

How to cook Tom Yum Kung.



It was pretty fun, since it's always been a mystery to cooking this delicious meal.


I learnt how to make Papaya salad too. First you need a lot of papaya, then cucumber, then carrots and limes.



and then you "chomp" them all together.


Don't you love a man who cooks?

After enough fooling around, we sat down to some home cooked meals that's already been cooked on the table inside the office.


Where we couldn't stop playing with the food while waiting for our tom yum kung that's still cooking.

Andy should try acting

Our tour leader being funny.


And then finally,


Under special request, I asked See Tho to bring us into Phuket (which was not meant to be part of the Southern Thailand trip) for an extra night. Staying in Millennium Hotel.

uber nice lounge settings

Which was damn cool because you can view the person shower from the room. :D

The blinds are controlled from the outside. *wink wink*

The spa retreat centre next to the swimming pool is especially luxurious.



and a pretty french massuer to pair with.

Actually she's the manager, I think

The hotel it's the only 5-star hotel on Patong Beach (known for its nightlife) in Phuket.

me calling the reception to change room coz i wanted a double bed :D

It was all free and easy for day four, so Andy and I decided to hit the town for some shopping!

I know my shades looked dodgy, they've already been recorded on the never-wear-again list


Streets in Phuket is always full of shops and stalls and all sorts of sell-able items. It really is a shopping heaven here for tourists (aside from Bangkok).






Anything. Sell-able.


Phuket, the largest island in Thailand, has always been the most popular travel destination (other than Koh Phangan for its full moon party) for visitors around the world. The beaches, especially, are full of activities and services for both guys and girls.





Even after the 2004 tsunami, the island now is still very populated with various pubs that deem the reputation of Phuket.

It's actually Thai girl show, but oh well, some places adapt

O.. yes.. walk down that road and you'll be happppppyyyy

Speaking of tsunami, I simply adore this T-shirt I spotted in one of the shops in Phuket.

what's next shirt

Haha. It's so true it's funny. At least they've been ok for the past 3 years.

And this too.

i don't want a fucking tuk tuk t-shirt

As darkness drew in, life in Patong was just beginning.


This would be when hot chicks begin to roam the street.

And I don't mean hot chick like this.


I mean hot hot... hot...... phew.. something-pass-me-the-camera-please hot.


She-male, ladyboy, transvestite, tranny, etc. What ever you want to call it. They're what made Phuket famous for, nay, Thailand for that matter.




These ladyboys really put us girls to shame. They are so pretty, gorgeous and perfect in every way (visually), I was surprised that the bar girls have any opportunity at all.


They either have to be really kinky.


Or really good in dancing.


Or have a big asset to pull it off.


So I put on my newly bought (again, I. must. stop. shopping) beach dress and went to dinner with the group for one last time.

ermmm look

wink kiss nicolekiss

me and andy after dinner

and took photo with this girl whom I realized I have not taken a single photo with the entire trip.

me and kel li
darling I miss hanging out with you

And also hugging the wooden ball in the hotel lobby with this dude.

me and ky on a wooden ball

Or posing with metal bars with this guy.

andy and me

Later that night, as it was to be the last night, three of us (ky, Andy and me) decided to hit the club!!! Woo hoo!! clubbing here we come.

I hardly club, and I think this is my first ever clubbing entry (well, partially). It was only three of us because we couldn't locate the rest of the gang who were too busy shopping or sleeping.

We chose a club named Tiger Club. Hoping to see some actions. eh hem..

tiger club

To our dismay and delight, it was a very normal happening club.

But we didn't regret our choice, the crowd was wild!

happening ppl

This is us in our sober state. (stay tune till the after-state)

trio in sober state

In the middle of this club, there was a podium with a pole where everyone fought to get up to dance on. All was cool and everyone was keeping their focus on the podium since there was no where else to look when I spotted this balding uncle in this singlet dancing the night away on the podium,

slutty uncle in singlet

with the pole!

pole dancing uncle

I mean, it's OK to dance. But he was gyrating and touching himself, and going up and down against the pole and himself like how a slutty lady dancer would dance. o.O

slutty uncle pole dancing

slutty uncle
I think I am about to hurl

For the longest moment I thought he was gay!!!

That was... until he went and dirty dance with this really sexy revealing Thai girl.

slutty uncle making a move
OMG, dodgy slutty uncle in singlet alert!

slutty uncle hugging thai girl
I pity the woman, but then again she seems to be enjoying it. >_<

But apart from that, it was a great night out.


me clubbing
oh yea partying hard

v sign with andy
camwhoring and partying. :D

ky and andy clubbing
two guys gone wild

me and andy
me gone wild

I then got tired of holding the camera and passed it to the pro-man himself to handle the rest of the photo taking.

And you know what happens when you pass a camera to a guy?

two japanese girls 2

They take it to snap chicks. -.-

two japanese girls

and camwhore with them too, with MY camera!

andy and two japanese girls

Two 30 year old Japanese chicks for that matter. But it's ok. Same age group for them. :p (don't keel me)

Within minutes, these two "darlings" disappeared from my side and next thing I knew they were gyrating up and down on the poles with the Japanese chicks.

andy and ky pole dancing with japanese girls
GUYS. *rolls biggest eyes*

Remember our sober state when we first entered the club?

trio in sober state

This was us two hours later.

the party trio

The night ended with a bang.

We woke up for the final morning and as usual to have breakfast (which was something I don't normally do).



Wore my "other" newly bought blue sundress (I know I know. Must. Stop. Shopping.).


Andy playing with fish-eye lens again

I don't know. I'm begining to think that he likes to make my look weird.

Boarded Airasia flight.


And left Phuket behind.


It was a grand trip.

Read Part 1 of Southern Thailand here.


  1. Nice trip man, lol I saw funny KY. =)

  2. that's like so much fun... Now I'm starting to plan a trip there. I really love those beach dresses. Its a pity I can't wear them here in UK.

  3. Glad that you went to the temple in Nakon Sri Thamarat... The 2 guardians were a hit in thailand for the past 3 years!

    Btw.. anychance to have your readers join you on a trip??

  4. hey nicole! I love your sundresses!!! :)

  5. u looks so innocent on those fish eye effect pic. hahaha


  6. OMG that uncle, hahaha, was so teruk!

  7. Looks like u had a very good time. Your blu dress is nice

  8. Do the See Tho holidays ever update their website? I browsed the website and I noticed that their promotion dates were for year 2004 to 2005. Makes me wonder if their information inside is relevant for year 2008 or not.

  9. Well you do look like you've lost some weight Nicole. Maybe it's all that traveling ^-^

  10. u really enjoyed yourself, wish I was there too :)

  11. so much fun !!! envy envy !
    that uncle just yuccckkkk

  12. I think you looks good on those fish-eye-pics.
    And it's so much fun to travel when you don't have to bring your own camera but having someone else bring the SLRs!

  13. Looks like you had a great time. I've thought about going to puket but seem to end up north, maybe on a future trip. Looked like uncle had a good time too. I guess you don't have to be 25 years old to have fun.
