Too many island photos!
Okay. Question.
How do I consize two thousands photos into one single blog post?
I mean, jeez. I am browsing through all my diving photos and there are so many types.
There are the on land ones, there are the underwater ones, there are the touring around unknown islands visiting village ones... I mean. How the heck do I select from 2k photos and conclude them into one entry.
It's almost impossible.
So... Let me know, what do you want to see first? Yup, I'm letting you choose what do you want to see in the next entry on this blog.
Do you want to see...
1: local island kids jumping around in smoke and villagers building boats
2: Underwater photos and videos that consist of great marine lives
3: Pretty and weird things we spotted or happened on land, like starfish mating, or me getting seasick
Give me your answers in the commentary below.
I can't believe JAL (Japan Airline) is filing bankruptcy. o.O
I mean, they're Japan Airline! And.. and.. they're Japan Airline!!
opps. Wrong photo. But this was a stewardess whose photo was taken and posted on the internet by an "acquaintance of hers".
This one is the right JAL uniform.
And now Airasia is thinking of extending their service to Japan? God are they trying to conquer to world or something? And they can't catch the better timing.
I like this phrase from them.
"This has not taken off in Japan because (travel) is still very expensive...If I can offer promotional prices cheaper than your cost of a taxi ride from Tokyo to Narita, then people would say 'oh, yes! Ten thousand yen to Kuala Lumpur, that would be very exciting.' So that's the opportunity we see," he said.
Or this
"He wants young Japanese to regard overseas travel as a popular culture, like in Southeast Asia where a quick weekend getaway to, say, Bangkok, Singapore or Bali has become a norm due to the availability of cheap flights."
Haha! How true. But then... I like seeing pink tour bus, pink group shirts, and pink cameras all flashing together with plenty of peace sign and cutesy pose.
I even saw this group of underwater Japanese tourist divers all wearing pink and yellow custom made wetsuits in Sipadan, and each of them with a flashing underwater camera with them. Haha... So obvious they're Japanese. The only think they lack of is a pink underwater flag.
Okay back to Twitter fun.

O how you love that little birdy mascot of Twitter.
*Tweet tweet tweet*
We talk about have data plan on our phones (smartphones at that). Why data is so vital these days? Few points.
1. Because with data plan we can tweet.

very important feature
2. We can log onto our msn on our phones when we're on the go, without needing to turn on our laptops.
3. We can check our emails whenever we want. No better, we can have push emails. You'll get notified when you receive any form of email at all.
4. We can still update and do all the other social networking stuff like Facebook-ing, Myspace-ing, etc.
It's all about mobility these days. I mean, I guess that's why I've been away from my laptop for so long, because I can access all my internet cravings all day long on my palm.

Okay, not that kind of Palm. That's "The Palm" in your face.
If you're an Xpax user and own a Blackberry, to subscribe type BB
Opt for RM2.50 per day unlimited data access and if you subscribed for it for 5 consecutive weekdays, you get the weekend data for free!

16 kissed Nicole
Which island(s?) did you go diving off? I loved diving in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIf Air Asia did flights to Japan then Japan better brace themselves for an influx in tourism...
Well I got an ASEAN trip in the pipeline already this year. Let's see whether I can get Istanbul or Seoul/Japan lol.
ReplyDeleteI pick
ReplyDelete3: Pretty and weird things we spotted or happened on land, like starfish mating, or me getting seasick.
Seems loads more interesting. xD
underwater life~
ReplyDeleteHow did you find the time to snap 2k photos?
ReplyDeleteI'll be taking up padi open water dive soon and i love all ur post on diving trips =) Post more!
ReplyDeleteWould love to see 2: Underwater photos and videos that consist of great marine lives :)
ReplyDeletethanks! love the blog xx
Would love to see 2: Underwater photos and videos that consist of great marine lives :)
ReplyDeletethanks! love the blog xx
Oi where is the sago worm party post/photos????
ReplyDeletehi nicole..
ReplyDeletei would love to see this..
2: Underwater photos and videos that consist of great marine lives
Hi nicole, i would really like to see the entry (2: Underwater photos and videos that consist of great marine lives), but it'll be great if you divide into two entries for the 2nd and 3rd one
ReplyDeleteoption 3. I vote for option 3 to be posted first
ReplyDeleteit would be nice for air asia to have flight to japan
can't wait to see more island picture from your blog :-)
ReplyDeleteyou are welcome to see mine at :
Pictures of you in bikini!!!
ReplyDelete2: Underwater photos and videos that consist of great marine lives