December 27, 2014

I'm going for the Sentosa Siloso Beach Party 2014 in Singapore

So my Christmas was pretty boring, I spent most of the day sleeping in. It was like I cramped the whole year's worth of naps into this one day. It was very much needed and if I had the day again, I would do it all over again.

I know it sounded boring, heck, it sounded boring to me were I two years younger. But you cannot even begin to imagine how little break time I have for myself this entire year. Not only were I unable to travel anywhere that's not work related, I had not taken a full day breather with no work on my mind.

Though given that the moment the clock struck midnight after Christmas, I was back on my computer working a straight 6 hours till morning. #fml #fail

To break the chain of the ever lasting busy schedule, I decided to give myself two travel days off. On the last day of the year till the first day of 2015. Nothing like living on the edge eh?

So yep, I'm attending the Sentosa Siloso Beach Party in Singapore.

My first NYE beach party. In my youth I've always wanted to make it to this beach party but travels always got in the way, then it was age and work and commitments. So finally, I'm making it this year! Woot! (provided nothing urgent suddenly pops up *cross fingers*)

The ticket gets you access to 5 party zones and a foam pool, all along the 1.2km of sandy beach as your dance floor. Pretty much like how most beach party works. Hehehe.

Here are some photos of past parties. I'm actually looking forward to the fireworks the most!

You can get the tickets at $68 ($10 off if you're Islander card member) and VIP at $98 (includes food, vip lounge and priority queue, available for purchase online). 

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