November 18, 2014

Aveda Invati

Who knew exploring beauty products can be this fun. This year I had the privilege to get to know two new friends via a trip and they both happened to be beauty bloggers.

I've always been big on beauty products, but it's not a passion most of my social friends possess. It's not once my peers wondered how I could manage to spend thousands in SaSa in Hong Kong/Macau, or go to a spa outlet or beauty shops and emerged with bags of lotions and bath salts. It's one of those guilty pleasure I took serious indulgence in.

It also made attending beauty events much more fun because I get to go to these events with people whom I know share the same interests as I. Which admittedly I almost never rsvp to most beauty events because, well, quite simply, it's lonely to attend such an event. It's lonelier when you bring new beauty products back and have no one to share them with.

Just last month I attended the Aveda Invati event and had the pleasure (yes, pleasure!) to learn about the products. The first thing I love about their products, which I never knew before, is that Aveda practises fair wages to its workers and farmers in India, uses only organic products harvested from farms, the same farms that give employments to local villagers. They pride themselves as an organisations that contributes back to the society and the world. Which is mission statement few organisations practise.

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