August 20, 2014

SK-II Facial Treatment Essence Workshop

Every since I stopped blogging full-time years ago, years later I finally found a little joy back in blogging, but only limit to whenever I feel like sitting down and penning the words out. I also started accepting invites for workshops and events, though no many I have to admit, but I'll go for those that interest me and whenever I'm able to.

Since starting my own business, it has been a little hectic and I have been craving for a long break of late, which fortunately I did a short while ago, and now am ready to dive back into the hectic schedule.

When SK-II invited me for their famous Facial Treatment Essence Workshop months ago, I agreed. Knowing I love SK-II and all their products.

The experiment shows the how easily FTE can be absorbed into the skin as compared to water and other essence brand, and how it slows the oxidation process of on the bananas as compared to water and other essence (a.k.a. aging of our skin).

My mom was an avid user way before I ever was and I have always loved how amazing their products work on my skin. It comes with no wonder each and every piece of their skincare cost a small fortune, but oh so worth it. Good stuff never comes cheap. It's also scary that every year they increase their price, much like Chanel bags. -_-

Thanks for the FTE! Just finished two of my big FTE bottles this year. o.O

Currently this Facial Treatment UV Protection is sitting in my drawer. I'll probably have to start using it soon as my current daily UV sunblock is running out. :p

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