October 14, 2012

London: Homemade Christmas Meal

I love Christmas in London. I love staying in my relatives place and waking up in the morning to smell freshly baked bread or pastries or hot steaming sausages and bacons waiting for us in the kitchen; and to a beautiful view of snow-covered backyard.

One of my favourite 'cheat' item to buy in English supermarket is this ready-made pastry roll you can buy at less than a quid (75 pennies); with it you just need to just roll out from the wrapping and smother whatever your favorite ingredients are, usually mine comes with lots of cheese, roll up and pop it into the oven for 30 - 45 minutes and woila! Your home made pastry done and done!

I glazed the top with egg yolk.

salmon pastry

salmon broccoli pastry

And salmon and foie gras pate are a breeze to get at the supermarket because they're cheap compared with everything else.

foie gras pate bruschetta
Foie gras pate bruschetta with black olives

salmon bruschetta
Smoked salmon bruschetta topped with arugula

Obviously my aunt made a more impressive selection of dishes than me. But you know, I tried. :>

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, "cheat" pastry... one of the items that made me wish I had bought a real oven instead of just a microwave oven. Yours looks yummy...
