April 4, 2011

In Nepal

By now I should be breaking my back trekking across the Langtang trek in the northern mountain regions in Nepal where there should be no internet.

Well this is just a filler post to fill in my absence while I embark on a slimming yet torturous 9-day journey in the cold cold Langtang peak, at 3900m.

If I don't make it back, well you know what happened. *drama queen*

I have been talking Kathmandu about on my twitter since I arrived. Though if there's no internet in the mountains then I doubt that will be updated either. Ha.

Oh Shit. Gotta run, the host just came and rushed. Porter and guide are waiting downstairs, need to rush off.

Do you know it takes 10 hours on a bus/car to get to Langtang which is only 117km away?!! And I don't even want to imagine the condition of the bus here.



  1. interesting! i'll wait for next update on ur journey. goodluck!

  2. http://nepalnepal.com/community/forum/topic/Malaysian-Sexy-in-NEPAL.htm
