January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

First post in 2011.

Well since I couldn't do my last post of 2010 in time because my brand new Sony Vaio crashed on me and seemingly wiped all my data along with it, my baby had spent the last couple of days dismantling my laptop and doing a hard recovery on all my files, which outside would charge RM1000 per GB of data (apparently this is not your typical data recovery that normally low yat charge RM150 for), it requires a special software and is a bitch to retrieve them back.

We have been working on the solution (which took us one day to find) since last year (well it's been three days) and the progress is simply tedious. Urgh.

And this does not include the time I would need to take to format my laptop and install everything back again.

I have to say, my baby is simply a genius. And I'm glad he's here for me.

In case you're wondering, I'm updating from my iPhone, which isn't the friendliest way to blog but it's definitely easier than a blackberry when it comes to typing. Phew.

Went to KLCC last night for my first Malaysia count down in years.... And it's like a flesh market out there. I never knew the existence of human traffic until last night. Made me appreciate experience of traffic jam in a car ten times fold, no wait, it made me appreciate traffic jam, period.

So yes, Happy New Year everyone. Will resume blogging once my laptop live again.



  1. I was at Tropicana City Mall so thankfully it wasn't sardined! Happy New Year to you!

  2. O, how was the celebration over there? Is it any good?
