May 4, 2010

Call yourself a traveller?

Saw this photo on my friend's facebook photo album recently and I felt obliged to share it.

call urself a traveller
photo stolen from Gerald's fb album. Hehehe

Seriously. Divers have the best sense of humor.


  1. LoL! That is quite a challenge. But even if you learn to swim, how would you travel? By diving into the ocean? haha

  2. keep on swimming!! Swimming!! swimming!! wait!!...i need a submarine

  3. I know how to swim but I don't have a license to dive. I wish I could get the license someday, hoping that by then, my age won't deter me from getting PADI.

  4. Hi Nicole, saw your travel schedule. I'll be going to Colombo too in May 10. But will only spend 5 days in Sri Lanka. Is it a sponsored trip of yours or you'll be exploring the place alone? Mind sharing your itinerary with me :) My email address:

  5. 100% of the earth is covered by sky! non sky-divers? enjoy ur 0% !

    learn to sky dive :)

  6. hui wei ..well rebuked by u

  7. Hi nicole, I be ur latest follower..:P Nice blogging..
