November 2, 2009

Close your eyes, and you will see~

This has got to be one of the best heart warming commercial I've seen in a long time.

Seriously, the hair flying around?


  1. what is there to do with pantene ? touching commercial but seems like no connection.. lol

  2. LMAO @ your comment haha xD... but it's pantene no? :P

    So some xtra effects are more than welcome ;).

  3. I've seen this ad in and yes, be yourself rather than be others...

    My friends said it's truly wonderful ad and Thailand make best of the best ads among Asian countries...

    Actually, talking about the hair, if it's flying, her hair might tangle up in the strings and cause havoc. Violinist should keep their long hair tied or kept behind their shoulders and not shaking the head around while playing violin...

    You don't want to be embarrassed during your performance especially on stage right? :)

    I've the Canon in D which is quite similar to the ads but it's believe that the background song is played by a Thai violinist.

  4. Great advertisement.

  5. hello. this is the best commercial i've ever seen.

  6. One of the best commercial I've seen. Thanks for sharing. The flying hair is little too much though. haha

  7. My Gosh... the longest ads I ever seen yet so touching and NICE.. ^_^

  8. Great adv with touching story to boot. Though deaf, one still can make one's dream come true with a passion !
