January 3, 2009

Bangs? No Bangs?

I've been contemplating to cut my bangs for a while now. I mean, I never really had one since I was 5 years old.

So I took a photo of mine and photoshop it to see how I would look like with bangs.

After analyzing at myself, I took a deep breath and still couldn't decided if I should have one. So I consulted a few friends online.

Conversation with Friend A:

Me: Hey, what do you think of me with bangs?
*show before and after photo (photoshopped)*

Friend A: NOOOOO!!!!!

Conversation with Friend B:

Me: Hey, what do you think of me with bangs?
*show before and after photo (photoshopped)*

Friend B: Nicole, if you do it I will SLAP you alive!

This is before:

perfect cowgirl shot

This is (assumed) after:


What chu think? Bangs?

But I don't want to be slapped to death. :(


  1. i think no bang better..hehe...yet i think if ya wanna have fringe try out the slunting kinda fringe.

  2. Doesn't suit u at all weh, slapped to death? neh. dont think that necessary but shud be brought to hair fashion prison.

  3. Maybe u shud edit other pics with the bang...haha...

  4. i think without looks better...=)

  5. I think you'd probably look nice with bangs...but real ones la. Not the photoshop one :P

  6. Hmm Bangs? U sure you want it? Well, maybe I got used to seeing you without bangs!

    Happy Bangings.. O_o

  7. I think u should go to Bangs!
    Give yourself a new nice shot!
    If it doesn't suits, u can always grow them back..
    Never afraid to experiment with new things..
    Cant wait to see u in bangs! ^_^

  8. Original Nicole is better!!

  9. Hahahahahahahhaha I just... burst out laughing hahahahaha PLEASE DON'T!!

  10. Probably a whole diff type of hairstyle with bangs... Shorter hair overall probably? Go try on fake wigs?

  11. Anonymous Friend: very 'amber chia'

  12. hahaha. bangs are fun and you ought to try em' once in your life!

    But word of caution, it aint easy to mantain a set of bangs.
    blow drying your fringe is so very optional!


  13. yes, bangs and shorten your hair length. It makes you look refreshing. Keep it simple, back to black hair, natural eyes color, you'll be smashing.

  14. Long time reader, first comment and it had to be this... keep the bangs. :)

  15. And here was I, wondering what 'cut my bangs' could be a euphemism for.

  16. i think you should go for it. it looks much better for you

  17. yeah, agree with erynn. try the sloping (or sideways) fringe. a big no-no is the china doll bangs.

  18. ditto. try the side swept fringe-nothing too drastic. straight cut bangs are really unflattering and pretty annoying when it starts to grow out.

  19. hi nicole, ok, bout the bangs, i guess if u shorten ur hair to like, shoulder length, dat shud do u fine, not wif ur current long hair, give it a go, cheers

  20. you can try changing your hairstyle altogether. shorter hair, side fringe, dye another color..:)

  21. i think u look good with fringe,
    But in this pic, since your hair already looks a little messy, adding fringe will only making it look horrible(for this pic)

  22. mmm.. You looks beautiful in both style.. But better stick with current style..

  23. Hey nicole... i think you sick until nothing to do already... no BANGS! u look beautiful now... don't ruin urself :P

  24. Emmm... I need more photos before concluding whether to have it or not.

    Friend D: More photos! :P

  25. Changes are good, sometimes. That's just the PSed version. Who knows, u'll actually look nice in it. :) I'm thinking of doing the same thing to my hair. cos i'm bored with the same hairstyle already.

  26. Please....no bangs.

  27. It's better if you have pin straight hair to have bangs, because slightly wavy hair makes your bangs like really ugly.


  28. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ you look fine without bangs!!! just NOOOOOOO!!!

    if u wanna challenge yourself, or someone else wanna dare you and give you tonnes of money to do it~ then, okay lorh.,, ^-^

  29. Well I can say try on soft looking bangs instead of those straight cut bangs. Soft bangs looks more suitable for you.

  30. the BIGGEST N and a O you could possible imagine me screaming and shouting it at you

  31. looks like xia xue

  32. No bangs please! Simply because it's all too common nowadays for girls to wear those side long bangs. You'll end up looking like everyone else. You can always try fake clip-on bangs for special occasions for a change.

    Perhaps for a small change, try parting your hair in the middle? You'll be surprised how different it can be.

    Some suggestions for what you could do. Your hair looks like it could use some serious trimming to remove damaged ends. I'll say go for a straight, blunt cut trim like those you see on shampoo ads - one length. It'll make it look healthier.

  33. I think you'll look sexy with bangs!

  34. Boss, honestly Fu Rong Jie Jie looks better with Bangs.

  35. no bangs nicole no banggggs....u look just fine right now. :)

  36. U look like Amber Chia with bangs!

  37. o. m. g. -.-

  38. It is not the bangs, you need a hair cut. Seriously!
