November 11, 2008

No matter where I was

you were there in my heart...


But it was all just me.

Me alone.


  1. hmm.. esoteric indeed..

  2. Hi Nicole, cheer up ok? You sound rather emo. Don't let things pull you down. By the way, that picture look good. Take care!

  3. who's henry?

  4. u missed gerald? sigh, ask him fly over lo.

  5. YOU are never alone girl. M always beside you. Not in front of u as I cannot lead u, Not behind u as I cannot follow u but by your side and be with u.

  6. if u r having depression.
    do this,
    1. stop eating meat, just take fish. lots of fruits n vege for a week.
    3. burn some sandalwood incense sick difficult to cure la
    5. call him n talk to him la
    6.important, liquor will make u more depressed,stop beer or wine.
    7. jog in the morning n talk to anyone u meet on yr way.
    8. remember, we love u n want u to be happy no matter where u r.
    9. u r not alone girl, millions are reading yr blog n feel yr pain n joy everyday.

  7. why all your commenters comments badly in your blog compare to kennysia, his reader seen like are more educated, higher class then your reader.. do you think so? it seen like your readers are mostly kids, ah lian or ah beng.

  8. i feel your simple words... 10Q. i now know i'm not alone in this kinda shit. (:

  9. (quote)why all your commenters comments badly in your blog compare to kennysia, his reader seen like are more educated, higher class then your reader.. do you think so? it seen like your readers are mostly kids, ah lian or ah beng.(quote)

    they are just giving opinions... no matter they are young or old, tall or short, fat or thin... and they certainly don't deserved to be called kids, ah lian or even ah beng... ur words might offend fellow bloggers here

  10. (quote)why all your commenters comments badly in your blog compare to kennysia, his reader seen like are more educated, higher class then your reader.. do you think so? it seen like your readers are mostly kids, ah lian or ah beng.(quote)

    it is 'seems' not 'seen', n it is 'than' not 'then', to the anony commented right b4 jade, kindly go back to yr standard one english lesson, we know u r old but i think they will definitely accept u cos u have really bad english.

    next time wanna comment, check yr spelling first la, anony bad english. better u write in kennysia blog, no one will notice yr bad english.

  11. Yes, my english is poor, like what i said, your blog only target people like me. :P

  12. Nicole pretend commenters and replied comments herself... come on Nicole, so lonely mer?...

  13. and there she is,
    feeling all alone.
    missing those smiles,
    and those talks on the phone.

    oh don't worry,
    things will turn out fine.
    with the little chit & chatter,
    perhaps even some wine and dine.

    look up and relax,
    stop the frowns and the pout.
    and nuff of my silly rhyme,
    i'm out!

  14. Nicole+cloudy pic=emo hahaha..

  15. very funny...hahahahahah

  16. Its funny really, how life works. The things that you hold on to, you try to remember, those are what you end up losing; and everything that you try to forget or throw away, those are the things that stay. The best you can hope for is someone who understands
