November 8, 2008

Kiss Me Down Under, Please

Christmas is NEAR~~!!!!

Tra la la la~ Jingle bell Jingle Bell JINGLE BELL ROCK~! *starts dancing*

Nicolekiss Boutique
has new additions for this Christmas season! :D

Yes, Kiss Me Down Under series is finally in!!! Woo hoo~~!!! Tra la la la la.... (view previous entry)

What does this series have to offer? Everything kinky and meow and purrrrrr (please say this in a very slow low voice) of course.

First we have this.


then this.

KM0003_close up
I call it: white kitty *scratch*

And this.

oh la la "somebody turn the aircond on"



Nicolekiss Boutique is throwing a superb promotion for all by having not only FOC DELIVERY but FREE CHRISTMAS WRAPPING on all Nicolekiss Items!!
(applicable to Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia only)
(international gets free wrappings too! plus USD4 delivery fee)

Yes, you get to order & buy your Xmas present here and have them delivered to your love ones' door steps directly! Isn't that brilliant?!

Other new additions are:

Deep Blue Sea

Adam's apple

Something Fishy?

Come come order. Nicole wrap nice nice present showered with kisses and love for you. :D

Sing with me!!! Tis the season to be jolly! Tralalalala~ la la la la~


  1. can u model the clothing please?

  2. Hey nicole, what about if you model your kiss me down under series? then you can camwhore it for us?

  3. Wow I like your blog!!! :D The Adam'a Apple Necklace is nice but too bad I'm flat broke now T.T Nice collection anyways :) Love love your blog!! =D

  4. Has that loser paid you for the dinner yet? That was quite a lowlife move.

  5. Nicole, how come Kennysia got so many nice function to go but no body invite you for any function one? You are lousy blogger la.

  6. hey nicole, im inviting you to promote your blog at, cheers

  7. Sorry guys but Nicolekiss are too cool to be invited to any function right at this moment.. Nothing better than 'own function'!

    P/s: I like the fishy necklace... :D

  8. My friends comment that your kiss me down under series are so cheapskate.

    But i still support u.
