November 9, 2007


Short Note:
(Been digressing over having someone in my life by my side, finally.)

Me: Where to find hot 35 year old successful tall guy?
Edmund: 12 years from now
Edmund: talk to me again

Note: Apology to some of those who can't read mandarin. This is something I wrote a long time ago. I want to paste it here because this is afterall, my blog; a proof of my past and my thoughts. Something I can finally walk out of.








我不介意,你也不需要懂。我不会在你的人生未来中走过一步,不会与你有擦肩路过的机会,不会与你再如以往谈天到天亮,不会在自以为是的依偎在你怀里;可 是,我会默默的,无声无息的,没有恶意的静静在别人的嘴中,网页上的讯息探探你的近况,听听你的消息,读一读你不知我知的部落格。这样我就很满意了,真 的。并没有什么企图,也不是跟踪。只是喜欢的境界已到了我掌控不了的地步。你开心,我会跟着你开心;你伤心,我会为你担心为你祝福。




  1. I'm the first commentators!

    a malay guy that can read chinese

  2. 爱一个人也很久很久了,我们曾经在一起,可是我感觉不到他是爱我的,所以分手时谁也没有挽留谁。很淡很淡的一段爱情故事,我对他的思念依然很深。依然很爱很爱他。


  3. touching...that is what life is all are not alone.

  4. 一只美麗的天鵝有一天落在地上時,看見了一只健壯的鴨子,她立刻被這只帥氣的鴨子所打動,
    然後天鵝低下頭深 深地吻了鴨子,就在鴨子感覺詫異的時候,天鵝松開了抓住鴨子的手……

    無論如何,階級總是存在 的,門當戶對未必就是壞觀念。

  5. It would be nice if there`s a translation...hehhehe

  6. Hey nic! that's a pretty touching post... Don't worry so much, after all, we're only human, and that's life~
    All the best! :)

  7. hey there, i like this post very much! it is heartfelt and touching, and i feel it showcases the more emotional side of you. i am sure you can find your 真命天子! =)

  8. who is to? and how old are you? 30? hahaha. okay terrible.


  9. Can someone translate??? First time i post a comment in ur blog.... lolx...

  10. nicole, u don't look like someone that can write so well in chinese...

  11. 你很伟大。

    i've been through exactly the same, i understand how you felt.

  12. I love you for a long time.

    I need you back. Feelings have passed, I understand that restore lost no, I did not insist.

    From your take my life, but also a year; decades of feelings told me to lay down, I have not tried is not really the impossible.

    I slowly from your life disappear, I know that you wish to do so, otherwise you will not default to my left, my non-interest bearing.

    In the very busy very busy time, I will forget what their own sake and busy; when all static down, I will of a person in a corner listening to music, we recall the many. Ten years, and you know what? For 10 years my heart to the feelings of decades of boredom, loneliness decades.

    You asked me when will we have started to pay attention to, the accurate time I forget, perhaps, when you tune pull into my front seat, right? Perhaps you bend excessive to me with a smile by the homework that moment? I think you should have forgotten. At that time, your eyes only her. Having only then are not aware of it.

    I can not vouch for the future I can move out of this shadow, all the time regardless of any circumstances like bad habits, but very difficult to change. Ha ha.

    I do not mind, you do not need to understand. I will not be in your life traversed step in the future, and you will not have the opportunity to rub shoulders passing, and you will not eat the dawn of assigning the past, and not in self-righteous leaned in your arms; However, I would quietly, quietly, with no malicious quietly in the mouths of others, the website message探探your current situation, you listen to the news, I wonder if I know you read the blogs. So I am very satisfied, really. No attempt is not tracking. Just like the state has come to a point I can not control. You happy, I will follow you happy; you sad, I will bless you for your worries.


    In this life I can continue to love you?

  13. your wound will remain as a wound unless you allow it to be healed.

  14. just keep it as a memory in life :)


  15. 十年真的不是很短。爱其实不难,不爱才难。

  16. haha. i remember writing alot of chinese when i wanted to write emo stuff about the guy(s) i liked alot. but my chinese is too lousy, but yet i still love writing in it. i am glad that at least im born chinese so that i can express myself in that beautiful language (even tho v lousily lol)

    hey, at least he liked you back rite? there are too many cases of unrequited love. in any case, at least you once were together with him.

    and in the end, nothing is constant anyways. all thats left is memories.

    cheer up. im sure u can find another who'll love you as much and whom you'll love too. =)

  17. you can still love again. trust yourself.

  18. 我们要振作起来。。生活是多姿多彩的! 其实,现在单身的我也非常快乐。 YEAH~~

  19. This is really a touching post. And as a Chinese, I think sometimes it's really good to express this kind of feelings in Chinese. The expression is beautiful and more powerful. But Nicole, at least you had him for 10 years. I know it's really hard to let go, but I'm sure when the right person comes, all these will become part of your sweet memories *playing "Thanks for the Memories" by Fall Out Boys in the background*

  20. totally agree with anonymous above, sometimes writing something in other language really meant more, what a touching post, well i certainly don't wish to come to an end in a 10th year relationship, but if its really necessary and best for both parties, why not? plus, i'm sure out of the 10 years, you've had wonderful times, sweet memories, doesn't really have to be walking out from a shadow, just the way you look at it... its all in your heart... hmmm at least i thought so! cheers to a wonderful future ahead.

  21. It is a touching post if it is a true story.

    From the post, we know that Nicole can write chinese very well.

    It is also proved that Chinese should know how to write, read and talk in Chinese language.

    I do not understand why a lot of Chinese in Malaysia and other countries do not want to study Chinese language but other races want to learn Chinese language. WHat a shame!!

    In Malaysia, a lot of bumiputra learn Chinese. If less and less Chinese learning Chinese language, it might end up a bumiputra teacher teaches our children (Chinese) Chinese language. When that happen, everyone will regret of what they have done.

    LOVE is not everything, but no love, our life will become dull.

    Nicole, think ahead. I hope you will be happy always.

  22. I don't think Nicole here has ten years relatioship with this guy. It's more like she liked this guy for ten years.

  23. single sided love it is. if u dont let go, u'll only suffer. look fwd now and u'll find it a joke when u look back in future.

  24. I think many people have the same situation as you do, including me. the love "sphere" is very cruel sometimes...

    i have been liking this particular guy for 4 years by now.(let's name him 'A'). i have no reason why im so into him. everyday i have to see him at least once, if not i will unease. i've done so much things to him ,eg be so nice to tell him every study info he wants, bought him his fav BoA album , did handmake chocolate on valentine, never miss every year's bday present, letters ,drawings.. so much and so much..

    he know i liked him, but i was too afraid to really tell him. Once, i did. but its was an obvious rejection since he didn't say much to respone. I was hurt by then.. Friends ask me to give up on him to get another guy, i did tried, to accept those who loves me, but in the end, i can't forget A, and eventually i broke up with all 3 ex i have before. (due to some other reasons too lar)..

    Till now, "A" guy is just like my super best-friend. we chat almost everyday in msn, see each other in school but still less conversation. he somewhat is someone who i really need , eg, whenever i have some bad day or what, after sharing my story, i feel at ease. there's once i woke up crying cuz i had a bad bad bad super bad dream, i hurriedly come on9 and tell him about the dream, relieved at last. Whenever i have good news, new artworks , he will be the 1st to know..

    He somewhat treat me as a "brother".. which is kinda happy since he cares a lot for "brother" but sad at same time that i never can be his special one.. he is just like a best friend who i love so much.

    its always "one sided love" for me..sigh*

    anyway, love ur blog.
    someone from brunei here =)
    wanted to join for the competition, but its open for malaysian only. so yea.. .. to the brighter side, keep it up! cheers~

  25. the translation from "my" . is not correecct. he/she just translate it from the chinese word to english. which is .. 70% all wrong. =)

  26. I love this:
    "Remember those are worth to keep, forget those are useless; Change watever still can be changed, accept those are fixed"...hope u get some hint inside.
    Anyway, believe me, time is the only can cure and also....your 'he'

  27. Never know u can write chinese this well. Time will heal everything. Hope u'll find the love of your life :)

  28. 阿Nicole,





  29. he..??not leng chai!!but smart!

  30. If you translate it directly in to english, it doesn't sound right. Don't bother using online translations.

  31. Hey Nicole,

    I understand how you feel. Must be hard.....but remember

    "love is like a bird, when you let it go, if it flies back to you, its yours to keep. But if not, it is never meant to be"

    I know it's hard to forget and to be honest with you, i don't think it's possible to forget but it is important to let go.

    You are still young and pretty so don't linger about in the past but you have to move still goes on and who knows, in the future, you will meet someone better and more suitable for yourself.....:)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. surely nicole can write good chinese la...she studies in the same chinese high school as me~hahaha...ppl always have the perception that english speaking person will have poor chinese, or the reverse...=.="

    and to nicole, be well soon and be happy.

  34. well...
    the last paragraph sounds like what i am doing now...

    the paragraph sync with my feelings now

  35. Hmm...
    Kenny is kinda nice.
    *hint* *hint*

  36. 要学会放手才能走更远的路。

  37. Hi Nicole,

    Been crushing into someone for about 6 years plus, and hardly for me to forget about her even i was in relationship.

    It was until after i broke up and meet a girl that really catch my heart, she is not very gorgeous type, but i think she is just the one.

    the crushed just disappeared from my heart without me covering it as it has been automcatically replacing by the one i really like...uncousiously..

    When you meet someone that is really belong to u...u will realize it is just a small incident in life.


  38. 我对以往的感触那么多 曾给我幸福的你
    有一种想见不能(敢)见的伤痛 有一种爱还埋藏在我心中
    这一种想见不能(敢)见的伤痛 让我对你的思念越来越浓
    我却只能把你 把你放在我心中
    对你的声音 你的影 你的手 我发誓说我没有忘记过
    而关于你选择了现在的她 我只能说我有些难过

  39. This world has change so much that nowadays, true love is like a fairy tales that everyone is yearning for but hard to get.

    Nicole, been reading ur blog for quite a long time, hope that U will be able to come out of own confinement of ur heart and looks toward a better future.

  40. like a cirlce, there is no end, unlike triangle and square.. u know.. :p

  41. 10 years is a very long time ... I don't know how you feel and I can't pretend to know. I once had to let go a 3 year relationship (*yeah you think it'll be easy*) the memories keeps coming back ... to "let go" is harder when your really try to do it (huh? understand) I finally realized it that to LOVE really doesn't mean to posses (*Boys and girls this applies to me only and please don't flame me ok ... I'm not heat proof ... YET :P*) After we broke up for a year I visited her again and she still looks the same, smells the same and smiles the same (I'm a sucker for girl's enchanting smile). At first I was sad and angry that she could forget all those places we went together, all those memories we share, the ups and downs. To view closely, she looked happy and something struck me. To love someone doesn't mean that we have to posses that someone. We have the will to posses is because we believe that being with us, we will provide the greatest happiness to that special someone. If we truly love someone we should be content, seeing that special someone living a happy life and knowing that they will always have someone they can truly count on when the time arises. From that moment onwards, I went on with my life ...

    Hope that you can do the same ... life is too short to carry so much burden my dear

  42. Knowing how to let go is the true love!

  43. may the tears be washed away and happiness on your way ;)

  44. 加油!

    If worse comes to worse, you still have Kenny...

