October 8, 2007

I want to dye my hair!!!

Yes I want I want I want.

I am tired of brown, hazel, black or any dark boring colour.

The thing is, I have always wanted a really really funky hair color.

It’s something I always wanted to do but too much of a coward to actually step into a saloon and shout: “Give me a hair colour my parents will disown me for right now!”

Everytime I wanted to dye my hair, I always find myself an excuse NOT to do it.

I am working.

It will damage my hair.

My hair’s too long.

My parents will kill me.

I will look like Ah Lian (school drop-out if you want a translation).

Any other colour than black or brown will just look horrible on me.


I am not working, I am not in school, my hair’s short now, I am in my twenties, and if I don’t do this now, I will never ever do it. Can you imagine my hair dyed in green in my thirties?!

And then it comes to the decision of WHICH colour I should go for.

I thought about red.

red nicole

But someone’s done that before.

Maybe it’s purple.

purple nicole

Ermm.. I’ll look like goth.

It could be pink.

pink nicole

But then I’m not a punk rock star.

(I did two streaks of pink before so it’s nothing new)

Or maybe I should go for light gold.

light gold nicole

Or even dirty blonde.

dirty blonde nicole

But as the name suggests, dirty~ Though I quite like the dirty blonde look for some reason.

Some friends recommended that I go for full gold

gold nicole

Or bronze

bronze nicole

Yes yes I know it’s very nice. I like the colour and it's more suitable for Asians but it’s so boring! It’s such a ‘safe’ colour.

I want a dangerous colour, something out of this world. Something crazy, and wild, something that stands between the fine line of beauty and bitchy.


That’s it!!

Why didn't I think of it before?!


I should just go full blonde!!! Bring back the sexy!

It used to be an Ah Lian look. But maybe, just maybe, with the right clothing, the right make up, the right hair style, the right skin tone, and right accessories. Blonde could be the Asian’s new fad!!


What do you think? HUH HUH HUH?!??!?!?!

blonde nicole copy

Tell me I look beautiful. Plssssssss~~~~ >_<


  1. not pretty .. :( .. keep to your own color with a few colored strips will look fantastic one you, jiejie!

  2. Just as long as it's not the hideous slapper red that seemed to be so popular a few years back.

    The last one looks fine as long as you're prepared to carry around a 2000W floodlight to be backlit with all the time.

    Still, I'm a guy, what would I know? I'm sure you'll look great...

  3. wrong wrong color. u look pale in the pics already.

  4. make sure to bleach your hair if you are dying blonde.

  5. i've been reading your blog for quite sometime and i think the original suits you the best ..you look very pretty already.=)

  6. i actually thought u look pretty nice with dirty blonde hair! But then again i think black still suits u best

  7. u looked like the gals in anime XD

  8. U looks ugly lately. What happen ?

  9. You know, somehow Milla Jovovich can still look good in all those hair colours in Ultraviolet...

  10. errr...Nicole..i tink u look better if u jus remain original..ur pretty alredi maaa..dnt spoil ur hair sum more..sayang la ...

  11. Forget it, Nic. Hahahah. Youre already beautiful the way you are. =)

  12. You gotta do it! I used to have the same thought as you coz of my parents. I did it anyway. >.< ~~ What about color your hair in blonde(not shiny blonde, just like the gold color in the picture but darker a little bit) and do some highlight in lighter blonde color?

  13. yeah.. i think your pretty enough as it is. blond is so wierd haha

  14. i think you are nice the way it is now. however lately you put on quite some weight (esp. yr face). too much food ? or are you on the pills ?

  15. Blonde?? you will be the target of all those blonde jokes!!!


    be natural lah. :P

  16. campur gold, silver and bronze!! lol

  17. Do what you want to do, be what you want to be, afterall you've always wanted to for so long and now you have the best situations that 'allow' you to, don't listen to people who discourage you from doing the things you want to do, afterall it's just haircolour, not like it's forever! I say go for the BLONDE just as your heart says!

  18. for the love of everything that is holy! ............... dun go for ridiculous colors!!

    but....blonde is somewhat safe lar...hahaha....relative to pink or red ...... JUST DO IT!!

  19. Er... no, not beautiful. Black hair highlighted with bronze will maybe?

  20. Is it just me or do the first few pictures of you look like Cecilia cheung?

  21. Yeah..you'll look fabulous in those hair, to me at least...provided...either i cover my eyes or you wear that ultimate shaker fries' bag you made the other time :P

  22. full gold looks really good on u...very classy!!


  23. IMO, the bronze and red looks good on u.

  24. bronze.. u look great with that hair colour. uh... so sorry nicole but blonde.. doesnt suit u. yr partially fair skin with that white blonde colour just dont click. ><

  25. stick with black. the other colors look hideous on you.

  26. blonde? goodness... thats horrible!

  27. YOU LOOK PRETTY!! (PUKE!) no..please dont dye that colour...please..what should i do to stop you? I BEG YOU NOT TO DO THAT FOR YOUR OWN saKE!!!

  28. The last pic look like those character in DragonBall u know..? haha!!

  29. omgness....if u make ur hair full blonde, i think none of ur frens want be with u anymore....so disgusting ne......dirty blonde not bad

  30. Ah Nicole Ah Nicole, sailor moon pink?...u like?...pretty hor...hehe...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. gold suits you nicole... neways, ur still pretty no matter what honey :-)

  33. Hey Nicole u look great in full gold!! yess ^,^ go for it!!

  34. Definitely a NO to blonde... it makes you look like an "AH GUA".. hahaha.. you won't want to be looked as transvestite, would you?

  35. NO NO NO NO NO you don't look good in blonde, too bimbo. LOL

  36. Hmm just dye any colour you like .. Its your hair and why do you care so much about what others think ? Trust yourself nicole !

  37. dont be blonde lah...damn ahlien lah...no hard feeling im just being honest...

  38. hey, i have been reading ur blog for a while now...i know what u mean by dyeing your hair...i did mine as well, i'm tanned so i chose a few different shades of blonde-highlights and lowlights, cost me quite a bit though, n maintaining it was a lil hard...but the attention, loved it!
    i personally think u look awesome in dirty blonde...very sexy!

  39. Nah!! No blonde!! It doesn't suit you. Retain your original colour, it suits you a lot.

  40. How about white?

  41. ...or silver

  42. Hmm.... I dun think the last hair colour is blonde. I think it looks more like "yellow". You know... just like the highlighter we use to highlight our notes in college? Ha ha....
    try maroon~

  43. no!!! not blonde .. look not nice ...

  44. Dirty blonde or bronze suits you better! :)

  45. y so difficult, jus shave bald ez.no need wash hair or comb n dun even have to worry wat color

  46. wow, can you teach me how to do your hair colors like that in photos? i want to see how the hair colors will work on me too... pleassie please please??

  47. you should try different colour lipstick. show us again..

  48. what about lime green? =D

  49. puh-leez.. please dun think you are pretty and famous, coz you are neither..

    u look horrible in any color, coz you are fat and spoiled, get a great job, but stupid enough to let it go, just to satisfy your so called 'travelling dreams' take all ur parent's $..arent you just ashamed that you are so old already but is not capable to get a job and earn you own money for once?

    mayb you are sucking too much on ks's popularity.. if you are that capable, get famous by yourself, and not by being a parasite on other's popularity! ks alr have a gf, cant you just back off? bitch!

  50. hmmm maybe not??

    where I'm studying, there are some asians that act like they are ang moh's and have actually gone blond..

    but believe me~ that's not a good sight, our skin colour, facial features and eyebrow colour is just not made for us to be blond..

    but then again, that;s your hair you can do anything you want with it :)

  51. Dear melissa,
    I've yet came across any bitch more incoherent than you are.

    Try to talk abt beauty with your stinky mouth? Bleach it first, pls.

    Try to teach others how to live? Whose internet account you're using to shat here and on whose time?

    Try to be suck-ks expert? Even my dog won't be pleased to be sucked by you.

    Go get help. Psychiatric treatment may not be cheap but you need it badly.

  52. creativity is about doing things u believe in. Have a strategies and pursue it. Melissa, who is she?

    keep us entertain!

  53. u lok like u have a banana skin on top of your head.

  54. melissa, only those who are bitches call others bitch. because their mind are tainted, like yours.

    all nicole was asking what kind of hair color should she dye and here you are firing her up for no reason, don't tell me you never consult others when you wanna cut your hair or dye it.

    If you haven't, sorry coz I guess you must be a really ugly girl who looks ugly in any way.

  55. Nicole - stick to black. :) Natural Asian Beauty

  56. i agree with most people that black suits u best esp cos ur fair and u have a very 'chinese' look. but i also agree with u that black can be boring haha.

    keep in mind that coloured hair is super high maintenance (bright pink/gree/blue hair needs touchup every 2 weeks or so cos they fade/wash out FAST), and the black roots are very obvious when ur hair grows out.

    ok uhm. maybe a bronze/pink/gold/whatever-coloured undertone, with the top half original black? can throw in some matching colour streaks on the black, but layer the black so that it contrasts and shows the under colour.

    or vice versa, black undertone with coloured top layer. i've seen some ppl do this and its pretty funky.


    Experiment with a new haircut. I think you'll look uber jap with a fringe :)

  57. oh anyway, Melissa is pretty and Nicole is pretty as well. Stop fighting in blog people. Show me the real stuff. I'll be the ref in your hair pulling session. hehehe

  58. Nic remember how ang mo guys dig Chinese chicks? keep your oriental side intact, keep the hair color original(so the shine stays). Plus your model like height should fetch you a fine Caucasian macho dude.

    Hey Melissa. I appreciate your angst for me, which is really wow but at the same time she hasn't wronged me. So don't be =)

    Nic told me when she was in Kch that she wasn't very contented with her job. Now she's taking a breather traveling. Doubt that she's reliant on her parents money regarding interest in her travels. Plus she doesn't travel with Kenny all the time if you notice.

  59. stick to your original lah....

  60. hey whisperer, y dun u go suck bananas.....hahahaha

  61. hey anoneh, i don't suck bananas. I always blend them in my blender. Can pass me yours? Don't worry, none is too tough for my blender...hahahaha

  62. wah more than 60 comments ad. is this the record for ur blog comments huh?well what i think is asians should black hair :)

  63. i like the blue or pink... brings out your lips really well! www.geocities.com/sklcsklc

  64. that melissa sounded like 1 hell angry jealousy slut.

    chill babe, be more cool and accepting ppl. be more cool and let ur zen flow to your souls coz im sure ur jealousy slut attitude will gooooo...


  65. I think gold is ok.. Anyway, black is still the best one.

  66. i love ADOBE! brings out ur imagination.;)

  67. Met you at RWMF this year, I guess you will not remember me...anyway, I think bronze is nicer to you.....

  68. cut bangs. and dye it dirty blonde. as long as you dye ur hair. i have this thing with asians and natural hair color. it looks terrbile. unless ur like gorgeous like zhang ziyi or something.


  69. o ew don't listen to those close minded people who tell you to keep ur natural hair colour and dye several strips. thats even more ah lian.

    no offence but some people in malaysia really have no sense of style. like ew.


  70. I'd say dirty blonde or dark purople suits you.... go try it... that yellow highlighter (last pic), totally ugly... :-)

  71. go britney laa. botak je...

    why don't you try the dark colors with bright streaks. pffft, like i know hair...

  72. whisperer is GAY! u should dye pink.

  73. anoneh, is that what makes you think you should spout through your asshole? no luck, nice try :)

  74. In order to be famous you have to be daring. Gossips are everywhere so be strong aje.

  75. I think dirty blonde. It's nice. =D And can get light bleached streaks somemore. Chioness!!

  76. HELLO AH LIAN~~Long time no c o~~~where've u been?
    err, u're telling me u're not ah lian?
    o sry, wrong ppl :D

  77. why do you care what other people think.
    I wanted my hair blonde so i did it and now it looks great and the people that said dont do it were the first to say they loved it.
    Do it.
    You can always dye it bornw again if it looks bad.
    Go for it :)

  78. well a think the dirty blonde looks really nice the pure blonde doesn't suit you but the dirty blonde is different and totally suits you:)

  79. Honestly...Blonde Looks REAL Bad On You.
    Bronze Is Tha Way To Go. :D

  80. Just passing through and saw this...

    I TOTALLY understand what you mean by being tired of dark boring colors and wanting "something crazy, and wild, something that stands between the fine line of beauty and bitchy." I wanted/want the EXACT same thing! I'm asian as well, and I've dyed my hair bright blue, dark blue, purple, blood red, and orange red.

    Don't listen to the people urging you to "keep it natural." Natural is overrated! If YOU'LL feel awesome with colored hair, go for something crazy! It will ALWAYS grow out anyway. People just immediately dismiss the unusual.
    I think pink looked AWESOME on you, you can make it your own. Also, the purple does make you look gothic, but if you used a lighter, brighter purple, it would be very pretty!

  81. even i wudnt dye my hair blonde...

    to be honest....da gold, or dirty blonde, or bronze or any of those last few, just NOT blonde,im BEGGIN u, u will totally regret it :D

    if not, im wrong and good luck! lol

    wot u shud do is natural hair colour BUT loads of different colour highlights :D at the bottom or somefin...it will totally look so funky :D serious, no joke! like, real bright colours against black, such as red, blue, purple, anyfin! XD

    good luck anyways! xxxxxxxxxx

  82. try blue/deep blue/ aqua blue ive dyed my hair all colours an im only 13

  83. i liked the purple and the pink best but dirty blonde would be pretty :) what website did you use to change your hair colors on your pics?

  84. ugh! dont go blonde! maybe blonde highlights but not that yellow color blonde...light blonde

  85. i think u should have bleach blonde with black streaks underneath...itd look soooo cute on u!

  86. not blonde

  87. I would recommend red or purple streaks underneath your hair and maybe some very skinny pieces on top. It will look GREAT! :)
