May 16, 2007

Macao People are so friendly

So god damn friendly...

We were ushered out to the street on a city tour yesterday and guess what? Despite finalists having a go at the local culture and endless shoppings, we were like prisoners! Everywhere we went, we were surrounded by cute boys, gorgeous hunks! They simply took our breath away. We could hardly breathe...

I never knew there would come a day where I have more than 10 cute looking guys surrounding me at one go, literally! See the video.

I never thought I would be annoyed surrounded by handsomely suited guys either!


  1. holy cow, thats a lot of make up on you ...


  2. Dang, must have turn countless heads when u girls were out on a rampage

  3. xD Look at those leng cais lolz

  4. Hung: Yea... we were forbidden to take the make ups off after the morning photoshoot...

    Willar: rampage indeed, if any local approach us, the bodyguards will shoo them away... -.-

    Seizhin: Haba haba

  5. no exceptions? i mean if a chun stranger approach u..u can't say.."excuse moi, let him in.." that will be damn cool..hehe
