January 10, 2007

Pillow Talk 01 -attempt

It's a disgrace saying that my blog is a videoblog without much videos per se, except for the persistent few attempts in the initial stage.

Anyway, I have decided to do start my own pillow talk vlog. You can watch them from youtube as well, just search for "pillow talk nicolekiss".


  1. you dont need plastic surgery nicole :)

  2. Lies!!! Of course its for the colors and solely for colors!!!! :P

  3. tell us more about the surgery after the surgery k? =D

    i'm just curious.

    oh btw, i came across your site few weeks ago..from kennysia.com..*snigger*
    its more interesting to read your blog than listen to it =P

  4. You're darker than normal :) :P

  5. Shakes head...

  6. This type..sure kena boycott by most girls ... best friends are all guys.

  7. you had four 'type' of voice ... and still counting ;P

  8. Too much te already...

  9. dang the earthquake.....until today i still cant play the video!! but from the comments...it clearly suggests that you are contemplating plastic surgery? xia xue had her nose done up...... well...err.....my personal opinion, girls..(well..guys as well for that matter).. look best only when their face and action reflect self confidence and humility...... how a person gains self confidence..is his/her perogative....

  10. dang the earthquake.....until today i still cant play the video!! but from the comments...it clearly suggests that you are contemplating plastic surgery? xia xue had her nose done up...... well...err.....my personal opinion, girls..(well..guys as well for that matter).. look best only when their face and action reflect self confidence and humility...... how a person gains self confidence..is his/her perogative....

  11. sheon darling, piece of advise. dun count the eggs before it crack, haha. wait for the video to load before commenting ;)

  12. its LASIK surgery. not plastic surgery. duh

  13. like i said....i had bad connection so didnt have the chance to view the vblog until now! so sick of the suspense that i had to come to cybercafe to watch it...rugi rm2.50...hhehehe

    ceh....turns out to be lasik hoh? peanuts lar....i am thinking of having it done as well, but...i damn scared of "touching" my eyes...thats why i dun wear contacts.

    well..but..my statement still stands nonetheless....and eggs .. what eggs? sorry..din count my eggs properly.

    nicole: stay up more often and make more enjoyable vblogs like this one!! haha...

    p/s:xiaxue's nose looks good the way they were..

  14. Nicole here's my 1 cent !

    Be yourself your voice sounds like ure trying to be someone else and make some cute faces or something sweet then juz bla bla bla ^^ but ure a pretty sweet girl !

  15. Nicole!

    I haven't read any of the other comments, but you can ignore all the rest because only mine matters.
    Your blog is as lovely as you are pretty!

  16. u look good with glasses. very intellectual :). emm, ok ... mebbe slightly nerdy. haha.
